Friday, October 26, 2012


OMG!!! He liked my facebook profile pic??! :O
Shuhhh! Im the only beautiful girl in the whole world!

And said 'Hi!' when I was online?! :O
Oh! my gosh...will he come to my room at midnight??? :O

He asked for my phone number!? :O
He wanna have sex with me?!!! :O :O :O

P.S. Tipical Sri Lankan way I should say! lol

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

''Darkness Strikes Again''

It waits around the corner near,
Something you cannot taste, see or hear...

It wraps itself around as you pass the corner by,
Showing no mercy, ignoring your all pain and cry...

Its grasp is about of a parasite type,
Like glue on a paper that looks so white...

A struggle ensues to find an escape,
No one knows how long it will take...

It comes like a virus, no cure in sight,
It matters just nothing, how hard you fight...

And when the awaiting release finally comes,
Is just after all the damage is done..!!!